ARC Blog

Press Release: ARC Research Highlights Significant Barriers to Safe Abortion Care

Posted on: 22 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Featured | Free Safe Legal | March for Choice | Press Release | Publications | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) today launched the results of a research survey evaluating individuals’ experiences of abortion care in Ireland since the Repeal of the 8th Amendment. The findings…

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Press Release: Abortion must be decriminalised

Posted on: 21 Sep, 2021
Posted in: March for Choice | Press Release | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign calls on Stephen Donnelly, Minister for Health, to decriminalise abortion now.   “Pregnant people in the most difficult of circumstances are still being forced to leave this…

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Why I’m Marching: over 8,000 reasons per year

Posted on: 21 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Blog | March for Choice | No Comments

Mary, ARC Volunteer In 2018, the year that well over a million people voted to Repeal the hideous 8th Amendment, I (like lots of you) did a lot of talking…

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Press Release: Unacceptable that 90% of GPs and half of maternity hospitals still refuse to provide abortion care.

Posted on: 20 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Free Safe Legal | March for Choice | Press Release | No Comments

The Abortion Rights Campaign calls on the government to tackle refusal of care and instutitional obstruction so that abortion can be accessed locally across the country.  “The refusal to provide…

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Why I’m Marching: I am tired. And I am angry.

Posted on: 20 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Blog | March for Choice | 1 Comment

Helen Stonehouse is a queer neurodivergent parent and current co-convener of the Abortion Rights Campaign. Picture is from the last in person March for Choice in 2019, when she was…

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Why I’m Still Marching: People deserve dignity and safety

Posted on: 16 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Blog | March for Choice | No Comments

Joanne Kompa My name is Joanne and I’m still here. Some of you might remember me from Saturday stalls in the run up to the Referendum, some from the online…

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Let’s Talk about: Texas

Posted on: 04 Sep, 2021
Posted in: Blog | Free Safe Legal | Opinion | No Comments

At the Abortion Rights Campaign, we stand in solidarity with those fighting for abortion rights all across the world. In this blogpost, ARC co-convenor Helen Stonehouse responds to the news…

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Breaking Barriers: 10th Annual March for Choice

Posted on: 29 Aug, 2021
Posted in: Creative and Direct Action | Events | Featured | March for Choice | No Comments

The 10th Annual March for Choice takes place on Saturday 25th September 2021. Mindful of public health concerns, we will hold a socially distanced, static rally for free, safe, legal…

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Over six thousand people were able to access abortion care within Ireland in 2020

Posted on: 29 Jun, 2021
Posted in: Facts | Featured | Free Safe Legal | Policy & Advocacy | Press Release | No Comments

Spokesperson Helen Stonehouse said that, “Despite the pandemic, 6,577 people had an abortion in Ireland during 2020, a similar number to the prior year, showing that abortion is very much…

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Why ARC supports the 26th June protest for public and secular ownership of our National Maternity Hospital

Posted on: 17 Jun, 2021
Posted in: Blog | Free Safe Legal | No Comments

On the 26th of June, a large crowd is expected at an outdoor protest against the ongoing collaboration of Church and State in delivering maternity services in Ireland. The current…

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