Not a Criminal Solidarity Rally

The Four Courts

On 27th April a woman in Northern Ireland is up in court, charged with procuring abortion pills for her teenage daughter. This is the second woman in a month who...

May Dublin Open Meeting

The Outhouse 105 Capel Street, Dublin , Leinster, Ireland

Want to get involved in the Abortion Rights Campaign ? Our monthly meetings provide an easy entry point for people who want to get more involved. We encourage you to...

Free/donations accepted

August Dublin Open Meeting

The Outhouse 105 Capel Street, Dublin , Leinster, Ireland

Want to get involved in the Abortion Rights Campaign over the summer? We need volunteers to help us out with this years March for Choice. Our monthly meetings provide an...

November Dublin Open Meeting

The Outhouse 105 Capel Street, Dublin , Leinster, Ireland

  Want to get involved in the Abortion Rights Campaign over the summer? We need volunteers to help us out with this years March for Choice. Our monthly meetings provide...

Carols for Choice

Dublin GPO O'Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland

  On Thursday 8th December we’ll meet at the GPO at 7:00pm to sing “Choicemas Carols” for an hour as we did very successfully for the past 3 years. Everyone...