Limerick – Repeal LK Open Meeting

Interested in canvassing or volunteering for the Repeal Campaign in Limerick? Then come along to the Repeal LK open meeting Tuesday 6th March in Pery's Hotel.  This event is aimed...

Offaly for Choice Launch

Join Offaly for Choice for their official launch on Thursday March 8th at 7pm in the Bridge House Hotel in Tullamore.  There will be a number of speakers setting out...

Yoga for Choice Fundraiser

The elbowroom and the Abortion Rights Campaign are hosting a full day of yoga classes, with all proceeds going directly to the Repeal the 8th campaign. Come move, flow, breathe, lengthen, strengthen, and...

Kilkenny Chats for Choice

Kilkenny for Choice are hosting an informal open meeting for anyone interested in door to door canvassing with us. Everyone is welcome, even if you've never canvassed before, we will...