Category Archives: Blog

The 8th is gone but the fight is far from won

The referendum showed how much Ireland has changed and progressed but recent news shows that we must always be vigilant and continue to fight for free, safe and legal abortion…

Why Ireland Still Needs ARC and Why ARC Still Needs You

Why Ireland Still Needs ARC and Why ARC Still Needs You!

We achieved the incredible when we repealed the 8th last May, but the fight for free, safe, legal and local abortion across Ireland is far from over. We need volunteers…

Bingo image

Talk to your Candidate about Abortion Access

Our elected officials, including those representing us at the local and European level, can use their position and their platform to elevate the issue of access to abortion care. When…

Recognising the power of women-led grassroots organising

Today the power of women-led grassroots organising, the power of a movement which changed Ireland forever by voting yes to choice, and yes to our reproductive rights in the campaign…

Graphic of a pack of contraceptive pills, an interunterine device and a condom. ARC logo underneath.

Let’s talk about: why we need free contraception

In this blog post from our ‘Let’s talk about’ series, we talk about why ‘free, safe and legal’ is crucial for more than just abortion, and the importance of removing…