Category Archives: Blog

Canvassing members of Dundalk Together for Yes pictured in a group selfie

I’d call every door again

Syd Delz, Convenor of Dundalk for Choice / Together for YesChair of still existing Dundalk for change.  Two years feel like a lifetime and sometimes just seconds away. I still…

The struggle is far from over

Fiona Dolan Two years on, I have not yet begun to process the life altering experience that was the referendum campaign. Moving back to Ireland the previous September after several…

Kathy pictured with members of the Cork Together for Yes team

Here comes the sun

Kathy D’Arcy – Chair, Cork Together for Yes This is an Op Ed I wrote for the local Cork paper The Echo, as Chair of Cork Together for Yes. It…

Clare Lanigan and co in Carlow

Ceatharlach abú!

Clare L It’s around the 23rd of May 2018. Tá an ghrian ag spalpadh. In the tiny hamlet of Glynn, Co Carlow, a red-haired woman and I climb a pole…

A large group of dog owners gathered at Sandymount Strand with their canine friensd

Dogs campaigning for choice need bandanas

Jim Healy, Dogs for Choice So how does one harness the power of dogs to help fight for people’s reproductive rights? Social media really helps. Over a year before Ireland’s…