Category Archives: Blog

Newspaper clipping, headline reads "People of Fingal Say Emphatic Yes"

Fingal Said Yes

Orla Drohan Everybody who took part in the campaign to repeal the 8th amendment has their own story to tell. Here are some of my personal reflections and memories. The…

Cork Together For Yes Volunteers pictured on the couch of the title

A couch

Luke Field, Rebels4Choice Thinking back to the referendum in 2018, the first memory that jumps out at me is not a conversation I had, or a leaflet I handed out,…

Members of Leitrim ARC pictured in front of a Vote Yes mobile billboard

Change by Candlelight

Bernie Linnane – Leitrim ARC On a chilly November afternoon, in 2012, I stood among a small crowd in Sligo. We had gathered to protest, to express our anger, our…

Therese Lynn Sarah Hourigan pictured on grafton street with Vote Yes placards

I’ll never forget it.

Therese Lynn Thinking about May 25th 2018 I am flooded with memories. I realised my repeal story was so many things.  It was exhilarating to join arms with like-minded people,…

To my fellow canvassers…

Helen Stonehouse, ARC P&A member and T4Y volunteer My repeal memories feel like they take up so much time and no time at all. I’m going to tell you a…