Category Archives: Contact your TD

Contact your TD about draft abortion legislation!

This week, the Dáil will debate the report of the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution. You can read more about the Oireachtas Committee findings here and…


PRESS RELEASE: Committee report is important step for ensuring realistic abortion care in Ireland

  The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) welcomes some of the recommendations in the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment report, published today. ARC says these recommendations must be carried…

JOC image

The next steps towards repeal: the six options open to the Joint Oireachtas Committee

You may not have been following the work of the Joint Oireachtas Committee (JOC) or even if you have, you might still be a bit confused. Here’s everything you need…

Cautious welcome for new Taoiseach’s 2018 Repeal referendum

Referendum on the 8th Amendment could be a step forward for Ireland Speaking today in response to the announcement of a referendum to take place in 2018, Abortion Rights Campaign…

Write to your TD about Mental Health Act sectioning case

Like all of you, we at ARC are appalled and disgusted by today’s report that a young girl was sectioned under the Mental Health Act rather than being able to…