Category Archives: Free Safe Legal

Vote Pro-Choice GE24

Today, Together for Safety and the Abortion Rights Campaign launch their campaign, Vote Pro-Choice GE24. Together for Safety, a Limerick based organisation who successfully lobbied for Safe Access Zone legislation,…

Two hands holding little fingers in a pinky swear on a green and yellow circle. background is white with stars. Text reads: Repeal Review.

Press Release: Ireland’s abortion legislation is not human rights compliant, says Abortion Rights Campaign

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) has welcomed the publication of The Independent Review of the Operation of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 and urges the Government…

On a white background, the text reads Free Safe Legal

Press release: Every person travelling represents the failure of this government, says Abortion Rights Campaign

Figures released by the UK Department of Health show that four people per week leave Ireland to have an abortion abroad, and one person per day leaves the island of…

Protesters at the Abortion Rights Campaign March for Choice in 2021 outside Leinster House. The people are holding handmade posters that say 'As Early As Possible As Late As Necessary', 'Scrap the 12 week limit! There are no 'good' or 'bad' abortions' and 'Local Access and Safe Access Zones'

Press release: Hypocritical Government Still Forcing People to Travel

Today marks 4 years since a majority of people in Ireland voted to repeal the 8th amendment. 4 years since politicians spoke of the “Irish solution to an Irish problem”…

Repeal Review text overlayed above image of two hands in a 'pinky swear'

Tell us what you want from the #RepealReview

To mark the fourth anniversary of Ireland repealing the 8th, we’re inviting you to share your hopes for the outcome of the review of the operation of the Health (Regulation…