Vote pro choice in Seanad election
This month, some people will have the opportunity to vote Pro Choice, with six members of the Seanad being elected by graduates of Irish colleges and universities. The Seanad panels…
This month, some people will have the opportunity to vote Pro Choice, with six members of the Seanad being elected by graduates of Irish colleges and universities. The Seanad panels…
The Health Bill (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) 2018 came into effect from January 1st 2019. The Bill makes elective abortion care legal for the first time in Ireland’s history,…
The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) today launched the results of a research survey evaluating individuals’ experiences of abortion care in Ireland since the Repeal of the 8th Amendment. The findings…
Leading reproductive justice organisations Alliance for Choice, the Abortion Rights Campaign and London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign are calling on all respective governments to swiftly solve the crisis of women and…
ARC’s reponse to the Irish National Council for Curriculum Assessment Consultation on Relationships and Sexuality Education in Irish schools.