Category Archives: Repeal the 8th

Why I campaign for abortion rights

    One of our members shares with us their submission to the Citizens Assembly. Submissions are open until the 16th of December to anyone living in Ireland and Irish…

Share your story image

What an abortion provider would tell the Citizens Assembly

This story was shared with the email address and posted here with permission.  I have many stories tell, but I none of them are my own. I am responsible…

Abortion Rights Campaign Values and Inclusivity Statement

ARC aspires to be inclusive and representative of the varied groups of people affected by Ireland’s restrictive abortion laws. We believe this requires a particular focus on those groups that…

Pro-choice Wexofrm image

Give pro-Repeal activists a level playing field: Guest blogpost in response to an Irish Times Article by Doris Murphy

In response to last week’s article in the Irish Times: I live in Wexford, hardly a metropolitan bubble. I cofounded Pro-Choice Wexford and we invite all locals to our events….

We want your voices to be heard at the Citizens Assembly

The voices and real, lived experiences of people who have directly experienced Ireland’s abortion laws must be at the centre of the Citizens Assembly process as they deliberate the 8th…