Do you live in Fingal North Dublin? Have you decided to join / joined the fight for reproductive justice and to vote to Repeal the 8th Amendment in the upcoming referendum? Do you want to know more about what you can do to be part of this step forward?
Fingal North Dublin Abortion Rights Campaign will hold an open meeting Saturday 17th February, followed by a canvassing training workshop. This event is aimed at people looking to get active and those already actively organising to Repeal the 8th.
This event will address the following questions:
-What is the historical and contemporary context of reproductive justice in Irish society?
-Who are The Abortion Rights Campaign and how do we organise?
-Who is active already in my area and how do I link in with them?
-What advice, lessons, techniques do experienced canvassers have to share with us?
-What sorts of questions will people ask when I am canvassing them?
This event will be ticketed so keep an eye on our event notice and Facebook page to be sure to book a place.
Location and further details to be announced.