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Breaking Barriers: 10th Annual March for Choice

September 25, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The 10th Annual March for Choice takes place on Saturday 25th September 2021. Mindful of public health concerns, we will hold a socially distanced, static rally for free, safe, legal and local abortion access at Dáil Éireann.

Date: 25th September 2021

Time: Assembling at 1.45pm, rally commencing at 2pm.

Place: Outside Dáil Éireann, Kildare St., Dublin 2.

The theme this year is: Breaking Barriers.

Despite the historic referendum result in May 2018, there are still far too many barriers to abortion in Ireland. Mandatory waiting periods, refusals of care, arbitrary gestational limits, limited service provision, and enduring abortion stigma can all delay and prevent someone from accessing the abortion they need. The cumulative effect of these barriers is felt most keenly by those already marginalised, including LGBTQ+ people, migrants, Travellers, disabled people and those living with domestic violence. The ongoing global pandemic has compounded those structural inequalities. Despite the pandemic, at least 10 people a week travelled from Ireland to England to access abortion in 2020.

In 2021, Ireland’s abortion legislation is due to be reviewed. We believe that abortion should be available to anyone who wants or needs one – free from stigma and shame, without apology or restriction. We will keep marching, working and fighting until all of the barriers to our reproductive rights and bodily autonomy have been broken. Join us on September 25th to show the government that we won’t stand for anything less than reproductive justice for all.


If you are planning on travelling to the March from outside Dublin, please get in touch with your local pro-choice group regarding transport.

Public Health
We encourage all attendees to follow current public health advice to limit the spread of Covid-19. While this event is traditionally a march, this year we will remain in one location for the duration of the demonstration to limit the risk.


As always, we want to make the March for Choice to be accessible to everyone who wants to attend. We know that the barriers to abortion access are often replicated in other spheres of life – including protest. We believe that no one should be prevented or discouraged from attending the March due to accessibility issues.

We will have accessibility stewards and sighted guides available, as well as some seating for those who need it. As in previous years, we will have Irish Sign Language interpreters for the speeches. In order to facilitate those who are unable to attend in person, we will be livestreaming the event on our social media pages.

If you are planning on attending the march and would like any accessibility assistance, please get in touch on: info@abortionrights.ie

#ARCMarch21 #BreakingBarriers


September 25, 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


Abortion Rights Campaign
View Organiser Website


Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2, Ireland
+ Google Map

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