4.30-6pm Saturday 16th November 2013
Back Room, Abbey Hotel, Middle Abbey St (two doors down from Twisted Pepper)
This session is for men (both cis and trans) and non-binary individuals who call ourselves feminists or feminist allies. As a participant in this workshop, you are are invited to look at positions, politics and the practicalities involved in advocating abortion access from your perspective. The workshop will cover terminology and what pro-choice means for you, the value of feminist allies in addressing social issues and how safe space policies and non-judgemental approaches can be put into practice in social arenas. We will also look at some media from popular culture and discuss how the concept of reproductive ‘choice’ impacts on other areas related to civil and LGBTQ rights, gender equality, resistance to austerity as well as the everyday etc.
The intention of this session is to provide a relaxed space to share your experience with one another and potentially contribute to the support of others. It’s also about debunking the misnomer that ‘bro-choice’ is about getting women!
This session will be co-facilitated by allies of Abortion Rights Campaign from various groups.