Abortion Rights Campaign Speak Out with ChoiceBox
7pm ̶ 9.30pm Thursday 28th September 2017
Filmbase, TempleBar, Dublin.
Eventbrite Tickets page.
About the Event
Do you have a personal abortion experience you would like to share at a friendly, informal event? Would you like to hear the stories of others in an intimate, supportive environment? If so, come along to Abortion Rights Campaign 2017 Speak Out co-hosted by ChoiceBox.
All year, we hear politicians, media workers and others who call themselves experts talk about a subject they have no direct experience of. This event is entirely dedicated to the voices of abortion seekers of all ages who have been silenced or censored. The Speak Out is an opportunity to connect with experiences like yours and support one another in our everyday attempts to work towards change in Ireland. We do not tell our stories as victims but as survivors and change makers. This event will be celebratory in tone and will close with creative contributions by live performers.
Activist and media works curated by Siobhán Clancy and Eimear Sparks will also be showcased at the event. There will be a cosy atmosphere with some drinks. Live musical performances will draw the event to a close.
Participation in this event is free but booking is essential. Please see below for more details about Abortion Rights Campaign, ChoiceBox and for answers to FAQs about this event.
Share our event and invite friends online: https://www.facebook.com/
Please note: This event will not be recorded and we ask that participants do not take photos, video or audio recordings.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of Filmbase for this event.
Ticketing Information
Tickets are free but booking is essential. Click here to book tickets.
Donations will be gratefully accepted.
About Abortion Rights Campaign:
The Abortion Rights Campaign is a movement for free, safe and legal abortion in Ireland for all who need or want it. We aim to promote broad national support for a referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Constitution by the Irish Parliament; to push for the introduction of extensive abortion legislation by the Northern Ireland Assembly; and to ensure the health and rights of people in pregnancy are protected in line with international human rights standards.
For more information, to get involved or to donate to us go to http://
About ChoiceBox:
ChoiceBox is a small, Dublin-based project that encourages artistic response to the issues arising from Ireland’s restrictive abortion legislation. We aim to act as a platform for Irish poets, authors and activists to speak about choice and its importance in contemporary Irish society, especially when considered within the context of the eighth amendment.
ChoiceBox has hosted several spoken word, poetry and musical events in order to destigmatize abortion and to raise money for the campaign to repeal the 8th and other abortion support networks. Our goal is to celebrate choice and to call for the right to choose to be extended to all, and to every aspect of Irish women’s lives.
We believe in the right to bodily autonomy, and the pressing need to trust women to make their own decisions and to have access to their basic human rights. https://www.facebook.com/ChoiceBoxIre/
1. Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
This is an all ages event however minors (under 18 year olds) must be accompanied by a guardian or parent. Please be aware that some stories told on the night may contain adult themes and include accounts of sexual violence.
2. Do I need to bring anything with me?
Just your listening ears and your speaking mouth …and a friend if you wish. There is no obligation to speak at this event but we ask that everyone show respect by listening to those that choose to.
3. Can I tell my story if I regret my abortion?
People who have had abortions describe having many feelings afterwards such as relief, anxiety, contentment, sadness, numbness or, depending on the circumstances, sometimes regret. (To find out more, go to https://
4.What if I start to feel upset when I tell my story?
Many people feel a range of emotions when telling their own personal story. Some of us have cried. None of us have minded. This is a safe space to talk openly in. There is always a neighbour to hug, hold a hand, offer a tissue or smile encouragement. There will be a number of facilitators on hand who can bring you to a separate space for some time out, a breathe of air or a chat at any time that you feel like it. If you have any qualms, go to FAQ 7.
Please note that the Speak Out is not a therapy session and no qualified psychologists will be in attendance. Contact details will be on hand for anyone who decides to seek professional support.
5. Can you guarantee confidentiality?
We will request it as we do at every Speak Out however it is not something that we can guarantee in a public event. We recommend that all participants view this event as a place to share personal stories but not private stories. We ask that speakers only tell their own stories, not those of others. We advise all participants to use discretion when recounting the names and details of real people and places. We encourage participants to use your own name but we respect that some might choose to remain anonymous. If you have any qualms, go to FAQ 7.
6. How do I know this will really be a safe space to tell my story?
This event will observe a Code of Conduct to which all participants will be asked to adhere from the beginning of the event. Anyone who does not will be asked to leave. We ask that any participant who has a concern raise it with one or more of the event facilitators to deal with before or during the event. If you have any qualms, go to FAQ 7.
To read the Abortion Rights Campaign Code of Conduct for Events in advance, please see our About Page (bottom of page).
7. This all sounds very intense!
In every Speak Out we have ever hosted since starting in 2013, there have been far more smiles than tears. Past participants have given very positive feedback. Here is a testimony from one participant about her first Speak Out experience:
“I never thought I’d share my story in public until suddenly it felt like the most natural thing to do when I attended the first Abortion Rights Campaign Speak Out after hearing so many others speak. And the support I felt in the room when I finally did has given me the confidence to feel like I could talk about it at any time to any one after that.” ̶ Siobhán
8. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
You can show proof of purchase on your phone or other digital device if you don’t have a printed ticket.
9. Can I cancel my ticket?
Yes. Please notify us at actions@abortionrights.ie so we can release your place for someone else as soon as possible.
10. Is this event accessible?
The venue for this event is wheelchair accessible.
Many Abortion Rights Campaign members are trained in sighted guiding and will be happy to provide assistance at this event however pre-booking at least 48 hours in advance is essential.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee sign language interpretation. Some of the media played on screen will not have subtitles. We ask deaf and hearing-impaired attendees to get in touch as early as possible when booking so that we can do our best to accommodate.
If you have any of the needs listed above or others not listed, please notify us at actions@abortionrights.ie so we can do our best to ensure your participation.
11. How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Email actions@abortionrights.ie for a response within 48 hours. Put ‘Speak Out’ in the subject line of your email.
Comment on our Facebook Event Page for a response within 24 hours