Majority continue to support Repeal of the 8th Amendment, but this is no time for complacency, Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) says
Results from today’s Sunday Times’ poll is consistent with polls over the last few years which show the majority of people in Ireland want change to our abortion laws.
Speaking in reaction to the poll results today ARC spokesperson Linda Kavanagh said “This referendum is about Repeal of the 8th Amendment and these polls show there is an overwhelming support for change. We know Irish people want a country where our personal medical care is private and dignified. People in Ireland want the chance to modernise our laws and move away from our country’s dark history.”
“Of course there are still a number of people who are undecided on this issue. We can clearly see the work that needs to be done to ensure a yes vote passes and leads the way to an Ireland where we all have the personal freedom to decide when start or grow our families. This work is being done through conversations up and down the country, and we will continue to work hard to reach everyone in Ireland in advance of the referendum.”
Speaking on the lower support for the government’s 12 weeks proposal Ms Kavanagh said: “The Joint Oireachtas Committee, like the Citizens Assembly before them, came to the realisation that a period without restrictions as to reasons is the only compassionate way to allow survivors of rape to access the care they need. We also know that when people do not want to be pregnant they will endeavour to end their pregnancy as soon as possible. A protected period in early pregnancy is the minimum needed to allow a woman to end her pregnancy while still having time to access all her options.”
Ms Kavanagh concluded that a yes vote was the only way to make any change to the current law: “We must repeal the 8th Amendment if we want any change to the current situation, where at least 10 women a day travel, and 3-5 take safe but illegal abortion pills at home. We want Ireland to be a country we can continue to be proud of and we’re proud to be repealing the 8th.”
For more information or comment contact
Linda Kavanagh