Smallish Repeal The Eighth posters for the front window of the house would be a good idea too, maybe with a similar design to the t-shirts on sale in the shop.
Maser’s heart looks great on the black background. I asked him if I could print it on t-shirts for me and my friends (not for sale) and he approved. I read an interview with him a few days ago and he is very supportive to repealing the 8th and, according to that article, he lifted the copyright on it. I still think it’s nice to ask him, especially if you’d be selling it, but I can’t believe that he wouldn’t be supportive.
Hi Guys- definitely looking for bumper stickers and happy to buy in bulk. We have 3 antichoice TDs here in West Cork, one is a spokesperson for Save the 8th and iIam sick of looking at Love Both Bumper stickers. We need a presence here and lots of us who drive both for work and just to get around interested in bumper stickers if there’s any to be had.
Would you consider making wristbands? I’m sick of seeing the “No” ones and I’d love to be able to wear one in favour of Repeal. I couldn’t find any online.
All shops seem to be out of stock for any kind of badges… I would really like to get one… To bad there is no Repeal the 8th heart badges there (Maser’s ones)… Do you know where I could get the badges (in Dublin).
Hi Guys bumper stickers for people’s cars were very evident during the marriage equality campaign. Just an idea.
Smallish Repeal The Eighth posters for the front window of the house would be a good idea too, maybe with a similar design to the t-shirts on sale in the shop.
There are now bumper stickers available in the shop
Hey guys! Would love if you did bumper stickers for cars too! Think it’s a great idea
Also looking for bumper stickers
Maser’s heart looks great on the black background. I asked him if I could print it on t-shirts for me and my friends (not for sale) and he approved. I read an interview with him a few days ago and he is very supportive to repealing the 8th and, according to that article, he lifted the copyright on it. I still think it’s nice to ask him, especially if you’d be selling it, but I can’t believe that he wouldn’t be supportive.
Hi Guys- definitely looking for bumper stickers and happy to buy in bulk. We have 3 antichoice TDs here in West Cork, one is a spokesperson for Save the 8th and iIam sick of looking at Love Both Bumper stickers. We need a presence here and lots of us who drive both for work and just to get around interested in bumper stickers if there’s any to be had.
What about front facing adhesive stickers, for for cars or windows in houses?
Hey Guys,
Will you have the FSL mugs back in stock any time?
My boss dropped and smashed mine while emptying the dishwasher yesterday – gutted.
Hi Michelle, sorry to hear that, we have just recently sold out of FSL mugs with no plans to restock!
Would love posters for my windows, would anyone know where they could be gotten??
Would you consider making wristbands? I’m sick of seeing the “No” ones and I’d love to be able to wear one in favour of Repeal. I couldn’t find any online.
All shops seem to be out of stock for any kind of badges… I would really like to get one… To bad there is no Repeal the 8th heart badges there (Maser’s ones)… Do you know where I could get the badges (in Dublin).