Accessibility and the March for Choice

  We want to make sure this year’s March for Choice is as accessible as possible for everyone. So we need your help! If you’d like to get involved in…

ARC Twitter Takeover – next up SPARK!

We’re delighted to announce our next #ARCTwitterTakeover TOMORROW, Wednesday August 15th. SPARK Ireland will be taking the reins from 7pm! They advocate for the rights of single parents and their…

Alliance for Choice

Press release: All-island abortion access welcomed by the Abortion Rights Campaign

The Abortion Rights Campaign welcome Minister Harris’s commitment to ensuring that people from Northern Ireland will be able to access abortion services in the Republic. Although this is a welcome…


Press release: Announcement of Universal Access to Abortion Welcomed by Abortion Rights Campaign

The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) is encouraged by the announcement of Minister for Health Simon Harris that abortion care will be provided for on a universal basis so that cost…

Whats next

So we repealed the 8th – what’s next?

  It’s been an incredible few weeks for the Irish nation as we voted by a resounding margin to repeal the 8th amendment from the Constitution. But there is still…