ARC is not affiliated to any political party

ARC is not affiliated to any political party

The Abortion Rights Campaign has grown exponentially in the relatively short time since its foundation. This is reflected in the huge number of volunteers who campaign with us across multiple…

Make Sure You Can Vote in Next Year’s Referendum!

Make sure you’re all set to vote in next year’s referendum by checking our handy flowchart. You can check the register here If you’re not registered you can download a…

PRESS RELEASE: Poll results show people in Ireland want abortion access without restriction

The Red C poll released by Amnesty International today shows that a majority of people in Ireland (60%) want abortion care without restrictions as to reasons, at least until specific…

Press Release: Abortion Rights Campaign attending national vigils in memory of Savita

Abortion Rights Campaign attending national vigils in memory of Savita Members of the Abortion Rights Campaign will be attending the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment vigil in memory of…

Blog: Please vote in the referendum, because I cannot

In this guest blog, Lorelei Fox-Roberts talks about how, despite living here for 26 years, she is ineligible to vote in next year’s referendum on the Eighth Amendment, and how important…