2016 figures do not show the full picture of those who seek abortion access says Abortion Rights Campaign

Statistics published today by the UK Department of Health show that women from the island of Ireland accounted for 83% of legal abortions provided to non-residents in England and Wales…

Write to your TD about Mental Health Act sectioning case

Like all of you, we at ARC are appalled and disgusted by today’s report that a young girl was sectioned under the Mental Health Act rather than being able to…

Press release: Detention of girl under Mental Health Act to prevent her accessing abortion is “disgraceful”

  Disgusting Treatment of Vulnerable Pregnant Child Shows Our Laws Are Worse Than Useless, Abortion Rights Campaign says. Consultant psychiatrist, on whose evidence she was detained, said termination “not the…

Abortion Rights Roadshow

    **Click here to donate!** With a referendum getting ever closer, now is the time to get our pro-choice message to everyone around the country. This summer, the Abortion…

Across the Irish Sea: an abortion story by Maya Rose

It was summer. A Friday. I flew over alone. Got a taxi to the hotel. Embarrassingly, my card was declined at the desk. I could barely afford the one-night stay….