March for Choice 2016 Route

March for Choice 2016 Not long to go to this year March for Choice, taking place on Saturday September 24th. This one day represents months of planning by all the…

Why I march: How can we say we value motherhood when so many see it as a punishment?

How can we say we value motherhood when so many see it as a punishment? What would happen if we, as a nation, really appreciated the Irish mammy? Women of…

Why I march by @Ciarabelles

As always, abortion remains a topical subject in Ireland. Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, it doesn’t really matter, what does is that the subject is always there. As I’m largely…

Why I’m marching by Angela B

I’m marching for Choice on 24th September because I want to secure free, safe, and legal abortion services in Ireland. I see dignity of the person and bodily autonomy as…

Get En Route to Repeal and join us for the March for Choice!

To support people from all over the island of Ireland to join us for the March for Choice many regional groups are organising buses. It’s a great way to connect…