A Brief history of Abortion in Ireland

As part of preparing for our Dublin Open Meeting last night one of our members created this presentation of a brief history of Abortion in Ireland. As more people become…

5 Facts About Abortion in Ireland

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UN Committee holds Ireland to account for reproductive rights violations

  Minister Sean Sherlock and high-level representatives from across government departments are present in Geneva to respond to questions posed by the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights….

ARC members highlight sexual and reproductive rights violations to UN Committee

Members of the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) travelled to Geneva today to bring the voice of Ireland’s pro-choice activists and individuals to the attention of the UN Committee on Economic,…

8 Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment

Here is a simple break down of why we need to repeal the 8th amendment of the constitution. It is by no means all of the reasons. The 8th Amendment…