Ask me about my pro-choice activism: Angela Coraccio
Being involved in and caring about pro-choice activism sometimes feels gauche and illicit. It feels, ironically, unfeminine. I have often feared for my safety. As such, I don’t generally put…
Being involved in and caring about pro-choice activism sometimes feels gauche and illicit. It feels, ironically, unfeminine. I have often feared for my safety. As such, I don’t generally put…
This summer would you like to have fun, meet fantastic new people, go to lots of great concerts while raising much needed funds for an excellent cause? If so, the…
The Abortion Rights Campaign is delighted with the resounding Yes Result of the Marriage Equality referendum. Congratulations to the many organisations who came together to work on this and the…
On Thursday, 7th May in Ennis the IMPACT Civil Service division showed over-whelming support for the Repeal of the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution. The motion was proposed by…
This week our elected representatives will debate on whether or not to call a constitutional referendum to Repeal the 8th Amendment. They will vote on a Private Members Bill on…