Press Release: from Cork Womens Right to Chose

(released Saturday 11th May) 

Cork Pro-Choice Alliance defy state censorship of information on abortion services
Leafleting will provide banned information to women

Cork Pro-Choice Alliance are distributing leaflets this Saturday
on Patrick. St. informing women of abortion services available in
England. This is in defiance of Irish law which prohibits the
distribution of information on the subject.

Spokesperson Alan Gibson stated: “We are defying this
unjust law because supporting a women’s right to choose is more
important than following outdated Catholic doctrine. This censorship
of information is undemocratic and of a bygone era.”

He added: “The government is ignoring the reality that over 4000
Irish women travel to England each year to avail of abortion services.
The CWRTC believe this dereliction of duty to these women is simply

“Information on abortion services needs to be made publicly available now.”