Campaign commends ‘brave’ TDs who spoke in favour of repealing the Eighth.
Speaking after two days of extensive statements in the Dáil and Seanad on the the report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee (JOC) on the Eighth Amendment, ARC spokesperson Linda Kavanagh said: “The Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) is glad to see that the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly and the JOC have been accepted by a majority of TDs, including Fianna Fáil leader Michéal Martin.”
“We’d like to commend all TDs who spoke in favour of repealing the 8th Amendment and adopting the JOC recommendations. Many TDs have educated themselves on this topic and are finally in line with the majority of the Irish people. We want to acknowledge how they bravely faced up to a conversation and debate that successive governments have avoided for decades.”
Ms Kavanagh called on An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar to now make his position clear: “Every other party leader is in support of Joint Oireachtas Committee recommendations, it’s time An Taoiseach made his position known on the outcome of the process his government set up.”
Ms Kavanagh expressed concern about reports that the government may decide to replace rather than repeal the 8th Amendment: “Abortion and the healthcare of those who can get pregnant in Ireland should not be a constitutional matter. Repealing the 8th Amendment is the first step in making the much needed changes to our healthcare system to bring us in line with international standards and medical best practice.”
“We were delighted to be at the Dail last night with our Strike 4 Repeal comrades showing the government that the Irish people are ready for change. Today’s developments would have been impossible without the dedicated work of activists over many years. This is our time.
We are moving away from our dark history, and we are repealing the 8th Amendment in 2018.”