Why I’m Marching

As we do every year, we’ve been asking you to tell us why you are marching in this year’s March for Choice. Thanks to all who have sent us your thoughts. Here’s just a few of them. If you would like to tell us why you’re marching for choice this year, please email hello@meathforchoice.ie


Because it’s still there

“Okay, this is hardly an original thought, but since you asked – I’m marching against the 8th (again) because it’s still there, and for free, safe and legal access to abortion because it still isn’t.” John


I march for my daughter and all women / Siúlaim ar son m’iníne, is ar son gach bean

“I marched in the 80s for myself. Still marching today for my daughter & all younger women” 
Irish: “Shiúil mé ar mo shon féin, sna hochtaidí. Anois, siúlaim ar son m’iníne, is ar son gach bean óg sa tír seo.”


I am marching because I have two daughters and I want their future in Ireland to be unrestricted.

‘I will be a first time marcher this year. I am marching because I have two daughters (1 & 3) and I want their future in Ireland to be unrestricted. If either of them faces an unplanned/crisis pregnancy at any stage in their lives I want to know, and be able to tell them. I want them to know I fought for change. I hope that they won’t still be fighting for the same human rights decades from now.’Siobhán


Should I fall pregnant, as a family, the choice should be with us to decide.

‘I have 2 young kids; a girl and a boy. We planned our family and do not want another child. Should I fall pregnant, as a family, the choice should be with us to decide.

If either of my kids are faced with an unwanted pregnancy in their lives, I refuse to travel abroad with them for something that should be accessible in Ireland. We will teach them about sexual health, reproductive rights and consent in our own time – the Irish education system is so lacking on this – and try to make sure they are aware of all methods of protection against pregnancy and STD’s.

However, should that fail, we’d support them and help them in any choice they make. Hopefully the law will support us and have properly funded crisis pregnancy options in Ireland.’Sarah


Image: March for Choice 2016. Credit: Renee Summers